Admissions are open for new session 2017-18. Admission Form are available at institute campus.
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It has an impeccable track record of the best results in the board exams.</p> <p class="justify">It has reached its present position of eminence by the commitment and hard work of the trained and efficient management under the able guidance of our Secretary.</p> <div class="headline-page"><h3>Shri Ram Dutt ji Gehlot (Founder)</h3></div> <p class="justify">Born on 2nd January 1922, as the elder son of the family there where a lot of responsibilities to perform but he never let his studies suffer due to the odds in life. He took his primary education from Sir Pratap School and then completed his Bachelorate and Masters Degree from laswant Collegeiodhpur': Later on he moved to Ajmer to pursue his B.Ed.</p> <p class="justify">He was designated at the post of Head Master at "Shri Umed Arts School" from the year 1942 to 1980.</p> <p class="justify">In the year 1968, he received "The State Award" from Government Of Rajasthan for this excellent services in education. He became a part of management committee of many institutions. He served the society in many ways, he became "The Member Of Municipal Council" and was nominated as the "Chairperson Of The House Tax Committee" (1982 - 86).</p> <p class="justify">In the year 1981, he established 'MTS, jodhpur' and after that there was no looking back.</p> <div class="headline-page"><h3>Vision...</h3></div> <p class="justify">Mother Teresa School is a community comprehensive school whose focus is on each individual, acknowledging both rights and responsibilities.</p> <p class="justify">A strong pastoral structure underpins a curriculum that seeks to develop the potential of every student. Academic rigour is valued at all stages, and the classroom focus is on challenge, engagement and achievement.</p> <p class="justify">Learning is celebrated in all its forms. A huge range of extension activities enhances the formal curriculum, and our students thrive within a vibrant programme. The school has a well- qualified and highly committed staff both teaching and non-teaching. They too are valued as individuals and their learning celebrated.</p>
Established : Jul/2017
100-200 students
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Admissions are open for new session 2017-18. Admission Form are available at institute campus.
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